Friday, August 17, 2012

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Year old comrade test Fuli originally Weise Ke included disappear list, mended to the lapse of a few years later,fake oakleys, he suddenly an old friend sent by letter, telling him he had found a suitable pirate development environment, to take root in the two League Peninsula waters, and for his kind invitation Weise Ke came to hand in a fortune.
Weise Ke hesitated long, and finally decided to personally go and see the southern waters of the mid-continent as it did in the test Fuli said Val celery ships aspect sail with the waves splashing in the water paradise ...
The pirate leader with his own fleet carefully around the western continental waters, take the opportunity to loot all the way and finally arrived at an old friend test Fuli new base ─ ─ Shark Island.
After Remy and oakleys, test Fuli occupy Shark Island, and transform it into a large-scale docking base and concealment sites. Pock-marked Sea King robbery to the wealth continue to build ships, big recruitment scattered Boosey mainland coastline throughout the fellow to come defected, just more than two years to develop into a long boat of two hundred ships, under the command of soldiers sixty-seven thousands of large-scale pirate groups.
Here, Weise Ke had just found an old friend telling the truth.
This is a warm and suitable for sea shipping. Everywhere are excellent ice-free,cheap oakley sunglasses, not like the home around the ocean as the cold biting, unlike Western continental waters, as the turbid waves of monstrous.
This is also one of gold full of opportunities waters located in the central mainland, re-export trade developed, wealthy well-off residents, many merchant ships between large pirate Remy death legacy of the great forces in vacuum, waiting for the strength to fill.
His arrival time is also very good, two Union navy of the mercenary group was weaker than the Navy of the western countries of the continent, among beaten exhilaration. For the the Weise Ke purposes of, this is nothing more than a godsend.
In addition, the test Fuli old comrades in arms that come defected to very high regard, regarded as the right-hand man, to his care. Him allocated to the the Weise Ke ten ships and hundreds of manpower, the formation of a new sub-fleet and appointed the leader of the fleet. Weise Ke also grateful reciprocated best to use their own fighting, looting experience test Fuli serve a skeleton staff and a reliable ally of the hemp fair face.
However, they are all quite clear. And Weise Ke is led his troops to take refuge in the semi-independent nature of the client fleet and partner allies, ready to lead the original cast to disband leave. Relations between the two is in the honeymoon period, with each other seems to talk about anything, but addressed the intimate tell smb. what one's real intentions are, Weise Ke know, Ma face up against is not fully himself as a confidant, sure some things without the knowledge of their own.
First, the test Fuli occupy Shark Island not very rampant looting in the activities of the two League Peninsula in southern waters can be quite cautious, so that the continent's intelligence agencies around the wind-pollinated, have not noticed the Shark Island be re-occupied the central mainland of Southern waters on such a scale of one pirate fleet.
Weise Ke know, the dependent of a such a large fleet and pirate gangs, you need the financial resources of considerable size, if not from the robbed merchant ships received, then the test Fuli funds come from? Not to mention his

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