Sunday, September 9, 2012

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Complete combat missions, so that they die, but like a little bitch, hiding in the safe behind the popular hot drink to raise their own plump Wanglin Bin on the plump very disgusted with the whole spring and summer he followed Light Cruiser Squadron in German East Africa waters with the Marine Corps combat, his skin was direct sun had baked with African indigenous is no different. how can you say that they hide behind to enjoy a happy life? The Navy does not really help the Army, this can only be silent, because Wang Linbin also feel the Marine Corps to Mesopotamia too late.
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Thursday, September 6, 2012

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Leave Japan after the publicity of the film was also officially came to an end this no arrangements for China's domestic propaganda, because the time was too nervous. Addition to preparing the new album, as well as the end of the return to Hong Kong to prepare New Year January tablets matters.
Liu Yi Fei at the Tokyo International Airport they parted ways, they return to Hong Kong, I returned to New York.
Breath of summer in New York is not so obvious, the fashion industry is also early into the autumn and winter, the fashion-conscious people always just a group chasing the horse riders clown.
I first came to the old Tommy's home, but found no trace of him. Subsequently was only his wife Mallika inform the old Tommy has been submitted to the JIVE Records resignation request was approved, soon Houmolika also be to Los Angeles to meet with her husband, while Tommy will

Monday, September 3, 2012

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

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As if sensing the coming of the enemy, Wanyan years of age and over. Projected at the moment I watched her and slowly raised goes perfect Qiaolian, without any human emotion with a pair of dark blue Meimou
Clang! Clang! lost all Scarlet, pale as a sheet of white paper like finally could not back three steps, mouth overflow a bright red bloodstains slowly.
The first round, the two sides focused on all the spiritual energy, through the short collision between the eyes, expand the most incredible, is also the most sinister confrontation, the result the Wanyan years of age and no suspense down to leeward end.
My eyes burst delightful Jingmang, Wanyan years of age and indifference Meimou to look into, leisurely said: How to repay, in order to be worthy of the gift gift not think phase Please inferior occasional encounter with Miss in soil beads on the island, it is a great blessing in life miles I would like on behalf of Her Royal Highness Princess of the Seven Seas, cordially invite you to the island stay for some days, I do not know Fangjia think of how ah? The ideal distance of the fight, was breathing with each other are clearly audible.
Wanyan years of age and I said, then turned a deaf ear, long tall handsome Jiaoqu first glance is also like a motionless, giving the impression that happens, her body up and down every inch per minute musculoskeletal, all the time in the weakest amplitude of movement kept constitute an everywhere vulnerabilities, but also a strong fighting pitfalls everywhere only relying on such indulgence like static real wonderful gesture, I would venture to assert that this female martial achievements has been to the saintly realm, but unfortunately she gave birth wrong time, when the chips are down kicked my piece of sheet iron.
I am going to Heaven and burst long laugh no longer say, feet vacant two-inch sky bizarre left hand summarized refers to as knives, Tianling Gai WANYAN years of age and condescending pixiang. Accordance with the distance of two actual interval, beat fundamentally touch touch vain Wanyan years of age and, but when I hew out of the moment, the body froze ghostly diversion to her right Chixu, arrived within reach position,blank mlb jerseys, Zhang Feng carrying massive hurricane, and instantly Wood Tiger, while the same is shrouded in Zhangli threat within, not even half a slice Yimei no is blowing, the consummate the extent of its control over the channel, is simply appalling to the extreme.
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